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Putney Arts Theatre Logo

Event Details

Radiant Vermin

  • 15/10/2019
  • 19:45
  • 19/10/2019
  • 19:45
  • Putney Arts Theatre

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“How far are they prepared to go?”

Putney Theatre Company presents:
Radiant Vermin by Phillip Ridley

Tuesday 15th to Saturday 19th October 2019, 7.45pm (studio)

Jill and Ollie are expecting their first child and struggling to get a foot on the property ladder. The pair find they have been picked for a new housing scheme by a mysterious government agency, facilitated by the strangely omniscient figure of Miss Dee, who offers them a new house completely free of charge. In this dark, surreal comedy by Philip Ridley, Jill and Ollie find they are willing to go to increasingly immoral lengths in order to build their dream home.

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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