DID YOU KNOW THAT PUTNEY ARTS THEATRE IS A SELF-SUPPORTING CHARITY?Help protect the Borough of Wandsworth's oldest surviving theatre for future generations by making a donationtoday. Your generosity can help us keep our doors open for the community for years to come. How your donation can help: £5 Contributes to the cost of printing, buying or hiring playscripts. £10 Can pay for a week's drama class for a child or young person that could otherwise not attend. £50 Can cover the cost of emergency repairs or professional advice. £85 Will keep the theatre open for a day. £110 Will pay for a full term of drama classes for a local child on an assisted place. £250 Can pay for a new seat in our auditorium. £500 Can help pay for new theatre lighting equipment. If you prefer to donate towards specific purposes, then our current initiative is detailed above. Equally please do get in touch with us directly to discuss any donations you would like to make personally. | 2024/25 Donations65%
This counter shows all donations to PAT regardless of campaign or source of funds