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The PTC Management Committee

Following consultations with PTC members and with the support of the then current Artistic Director and incoming Artistic Directors, in June 2018 the trustees agreed to support the re establishment of a PTC committee to organise, manage and have oversight of PTC activities. It is envisaged that going forward trustees will move to a position where they only need to maintain executive oversight. 

The members of the committee are: Cait Hart Dyke (Co-Artistic Director), Barney Hart Dyke (Co-Artistic Director)
Tom Sainsbury (Committee Chair), Veronika Wilson (Putney Arts Theatre Manager)
Alexa Adam (Secretary), Kim Dyas (Facilities),  Caroline D'Arcy (Membership), Michael Cooke (Company Stage Manager) & Simon Crump (Costume & Backstage)

The following are the aims and objectives for the committee.


  • To provide a functioning organisational and management structure for PTC 
  • To support and oversee the productions and activities of PTC
  • To ensure that the company is viably and responsibly run
  • To provide a range of opportunities for adult members and the local community to take part in productions, other performance opportunities and social events
  • To promote the company’s productions and activities
  • To ensure that all members feel safe and secure in a respectful environment and that associated policies and procedures are understood and adhered to
  • To report to trustees on a regular basis


  • To provide artistic direction for the company
  • To work with the Theatre Manager and Artistic Director to develop an annual schedule of activities including productions and social events
  • To recruit and retain members
  • To maintain effective membership records
  • To plan, advertise and deliver a range of social events for members 
  • To communicate effectively with members about productions, other activities and social events including through Typecast
  • To support and develop members’ engagement, interests and talents
  • To provide financial support and guidance for productions and other events (in line with forthcoming PAT guidelines)
  • To publicise our productions and events through a variety of channels including: the website; What’s On; social media; the press; etc.
  • To support producers and stage managers in their roles 
  • To support the maintenance and development of the workshop, props and costume stores
  • To support the maintenance and development of technical aspects of productions including new initiatives in technology
  • To support the development of workshops and training opportunities for backstage roles
  • To coordinate Front of House for productions and training where necessary
  • To support community engagement and outreach opportunities to enhance the role of PTC in the community 

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943



Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157482

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