Putney Arts Theatre LogoGroup 64 Logo

Putney Theatre Company Logo

Join US

Membership of Putney Theatre Company doesn't just mean PERFORMING IN A SHOW, IT MEANS YOU ARE becoming part of our community. 

You're supporting an amazing local space, that is owned fully by our charity, Putney Arts Theatre, and receives no support from local government.  You're gaining new friends from hugely diverse backgrounds. You're learning new skills that can help you in both your professional and personal life.  

And on top of this you also get lots of benefits, which include reduced price tickets to our G64 and PTC productions, alongside our regular Typecast email and invites to member exclusive events. 

You can sign up below online, or contact us to arrange a time to come in and see the space for yourself. 

Membership costs £30 a year and entitles you to:

  • Membership of Putney Theatre Company
  • Notification of member only auditions
  • Backstage and Front of House opportunities 
  • Monthly Typecast newsletter
  • Reduced price tickets to any PTC (£12 not £16) or G64  (£10 not £12) productions
  • Invites to PAT and PTC exclusive events
  • Member social evenings including Quiz Nights
  • Play readings 
  • Voting rights at our annual AGM and our annual members only party
  • A feel-good warm fuzzy feeling that money can't buy 

Putney Theatre Company Member - New - £30.00 (GBP) Subscription period: 1 year Automatic renewal (recurring payments)

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Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

This website  was built using Wild Apricot by Digitommi Ltd.


Tel: 020 8788 6943



Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157482

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