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Putney Arts Theatre Logo

Event Details

Shakespeare in Love

  • 12/11/2024
  • 16/11/2024
  • 6 sessions
  • 12/11/2024, 19:45 22:00 (GMT)
  • 13/11/2024, 19:45 22:00 (GMT)
  • 14/11/2024, 19:45 22:00 (GMT)
  • 15/11/2024, 19:45 22:00 (GMT)
  • 16/11/2024, 15:00 17:15 (GMT)
  • 16/11/2024, 19:45 22:00 (GMT)
  • Putney Arts Theatre

Shakespeare in Love
based on the Screenplay by Marc Norman & Tom Stoppard, adapted for the stage by Lee Hall

Directed by Jodi Rilot &
Barney Hart Dyke

12-16 November, 7.45pm 
16 November, 3pm

Young Will Shakespeare has writer's block... the deadline for his new play is fast approaching but he's in desperate need of inspiration. That is, until he finds his muse – the courtly Viola de Lesseps. This beautiful young woman is Will’s greatest admirer and will stop at nothing (including breaking the law) to appear in his next play, disguising herself as boy-player Thomas Kemp. Against a bustling background of mistaken identity, ruthless scheming and backstage theatrics, Will’s love for Viola quickly blossoms and inspires him to write his greatest masterpiece.

The story is, at heart, a romantic comedy but it is also about the glorious world of show-business - nothing much changes in theatre and that London's Bankside in 1593 was much like commercial theatre today. Money men assert their power, scripts get rewritten, egos have to be massaged, rivalries develop and last-minute crises intervene. Yet, by the magic that is theatre - somehow Shakespeare manages to turn the distinctly unpromising Romeo and Ethel the Pirate’s Daughter into the masterpiece that is Romeo and Juliet.

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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