Putney Theatre Company LogoGroup 64 Logo

Putney Arts Theatre Logo

Event Details


  • 04/09/2024
  • 19:30
  • 07/09/2024
  • 19:30
  • Putney Arts Theatre


Cygnet Players are excited to be bringing Once to the stage, performing from Wednesday 4th to Saturday 7th September 2024 at Putney Arts Theatre.

Performances at 7.30pm and a Saturday Matinee at 2.30pm

On the streets of Dublin, an Irish musician and a Czech immigrant are drawn together by their shared love of music. Over the course of one fateful week, an unexpected friendship and collaboration quickly evolves into a powerful but complicated love story, underscored by emotionally charged music.

Featuring all of the magical songs from the critically acclaimed film, including the Oscar-winning “Falling Slowly,” this achingly beautiful, joyously uplifting show strikes an unforgettable chord in audiences and speaks to the power of music to connect us all.

Book Here

Photography on this website is provided by numerous members over the years. In particular we would like to thank: Ben Copping, Martin Jessop, Rich Evans and Steve Lippett who have contributed so much to capturing our productions in such amazing quality.

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Tel: 020 8788 6943

Putney Arts Theatre, Ravenna Road, Putney, SW15 6AW

Charity No. 1157481

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